dimarts, de febrer 27, 2007
Eh, sì, it's time to think about the future. I'll probably finish the exams on December/January (at least I hope so), but what will I do in the future? After that? I guess I have to continue university, after just three years your degree is useless. But should I start right after, or should I take a break? I vote for the second... in particular I wanna go abroad for a couple of months, maybe in London, find a lil job and ...well... make experience. I'm sincerely fed up with Italy. This could be the right chance... well who knows... I'm used to life last minute style so these are really long-term planes......
dijous, de febrer 15, 2007
Metât trimestri
Soi a metât trimestri... ancjemò 4 setemanis e o viodarin i risultâts. Al fâs simpri cjalt, robe di primevere, mah. Domenie che o soi tornât jù o ai vût un pôc di casin che a Vignesie al jere carnevâl e al è simpri plen di int. O ai ancje fevelât une triestine ma slovene, no vevi mai fevelât cun nissun dome cun triestins talians/talianots... e dongje di me al jere sintât un de me stesse facoltât, e o ai tabiât un pôc ancje cun lui. O ai viodût ancje un coment, cuasi un paragon a pasolini robis gruessis :-D e po pasolini al jere mieç bolognês jo o soi un ospit (paiant ;-)).. pe fin si spere di no seguîlu, ma jo disi simpri che al dipint dut dal destin, nol è nuia di fâ.
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